Admission 2025

Apply Now Button Apply Now

How to Apply

Registration Process for Application:

  1. Click on “Apply For Admissions
  2. Then Click on “ 1. New Registration”
  3. Enter Name (in Capital), Valid Mobile No., Valid email id
  4. An OTP will send on given Mobile No and email id
  5. Put the OTP and click on “ Save and Continue”
  6. An application Id and Password will be generated and same will be sent to the given email id
  7. Click on “Next” (if logged out then click on “Continue Partially Filled form 2024” then put application Id and Password.

Application Form Fill up:

  1. Fill ‘Course Details’, ‘Personal Details’, ‘Family Details’, Academic Details’ accordingly and then ‘Upload’ the required documents as per specified format and size and submit the application form.

Final Admission Process:

  1. Admission offer will be sent after successfully verification of the uploaded documents
  2. Log in again to accept the admission offer (Refresh if already logged in)
  3. After accepting the admission offer college will activate the “Payment Option”
  4. Then click on the “Proceed to Pay” and pay the requisite fees for admission.