To establish a platform for enhancing relationship between the institute and industries, thereby increasing the opportunities for the students for internships, live projects and to acquaint the students beforehand with the demands of the corporate atmosphere.
To enhance the technical knowledge of teaching faculties and students in modern technology.
To make the students to understand about the modern machines and process by arranging industrial visits, tours and in-plant training.
To create employment opportunities in industries.
To develop consultancy activities between industries and our institutes and other institutes.
To create awareness among the students and teaching faculties about the latest technical developments taking place in industries.
To conduct short-term need based practical oriented courses for the students and provide necessary skill to become entrepreneur.
To collaborate with industries and training institutes.
To generate funds from industry/other agencies for maintenance, development of the cell.
To prepare the students as per the requirements of the industries.
Activities of IIPC:
To arrange memorandum of understanding with industries and industrial associations for the mutual benefit
Planning for students industrial visit
Personality development workshop for students related to soft skills development
Inviting industry experts for guest lectures, seminars and expertise sharing
Arranging industrial training for students and faculty members
Identifying the opportunities for student project work in Industries
Identifying the opportunities for student placements in Industries
Research and development activities with industry
Promoting consultancy activities, training courses for industry people
Enrich the teaching learning process through identified industrial training / visit