R&D Committee

Executive Summary of Research and Development Cell

R&D Cell co-ordinates sponsored research, collaborative research and industrial consultancy projects at Guru Nanak Institute of Technology, Kolkata. Through such projects, the Institute is strengthening the R&D capabilities of the faculty and students and participates in Industries problem solving. The Institute has experienced academicians and researchers from various R&D units of the country. In making our vision and mission a reality, it has taken the initiative to promote innovations of faculty and students and collaborate with Industries for mutual benefit.


Impart research culture and conduct research at the cutting edge interdisciplinary technologies to solve the societal problems


  • To develop and expand innovative research activities in interdisciplinary areas
  • To promote collaboration with other premier institutions, R&D organisations, and industries

Academic Research

GNIT, Kolkata is a premier institute not only for its excellent academic background but also for its strong inclination towards research and development of innovative technologies.

Statutory Committees
Non-Statutory Committees